Welcome to Purpose Academy Middle School!
Purpose Academy’s commitment to excellence is reflected in standards for admissions and continuing enrollment. Students must maintain regular attendance, complete school work to the best of their ability and maintain an overall grade point average of at least 2.25. They must also adhere to school rules and treat others in a manner consistent with the love and teachings of Jesus Christ. Parents of PA students commit to partner with us in the growth and development of their sons and daughters.
“For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations”
Psalm 100:5
Required Documents for Enrollment:
Fill out the application form
Copy of Birth Certificate
Copy of latest Proof of Residency
Requirement for enrollment process:
Latest Report Card
Latest Reading Assessment Report
Latest Math Assessment Report
Testing for Reading and Math if necessary
*E-mail these documents to
(Att: Denise Nering or Kezia Solomon)
5. Apply to Step Up for Students Scholarship.
Once the docs are all submitted, the enrollment/admissions committee will review and notify the family of the admissions decision.
If you have any questions, please contact us by:
Purpose Academy Enrollment phone number - 754 305 7797
Purpose Academy Enrollment email -
Documentos requeridos:
Complete el formulario de solicitud
Copia del Acta de Nacimiento
Copia del último comprobante de residencia
Requisito para el proceso de inscripción:
Última boleta de calificaciones
Último informe de evaluación de lectura
Último informe de evaluación de matemáticas
Pruebas de lectura y matemáticas si es necesario
*Envíe estos documentos por correo electrónico a
(A la atención de: Denise Nering o Kezia Solomon)
5. Solicite la beca Step Up for Students.
El comité de admisiones revisará y notificará a la familia la decisión de admisión una vez que se hayan presentado todos los documentos.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros a través de:
Número de teléfono de inscripción de Purpose Academy - 754-305-7797
Correo electrónico de inscripción de Purpose Academy: